Lol but look back I said chances of snow and you responded what chances? That's the confusion. Anyways have a blessed Christmas with your young family. There is absolutely nothing better than Christmas morning with small kids who still are wide eyed thinking Santa came.
Snow on the ground 16 out of 21 days this month.Ice for 5 days in a row now. Solid solid Dec. Grinch warmth is not good though. Hopefully we can see this warm period as a blip on the radar of winter. Certainly very encouraging going into Jan with modeling and analogs very winter like. Overall even with these warm periods one of the best winter Decembers in many years
Look out world. Lol congrats man, really frees up your time when they become independent. Makes ya nervous the first couple of months but overall it's a good step towards their independence
Its taking people in towns weeks to get cable hooked up. Not a rural problem. Mitch can probably get back and forth faster shopping than those who live in the cities. I mean between HFD and Boston I don't know which city is worse for traffic
I remember a New Years day event not a KU but a decent 6 to 8 type in 1971. I have pics somewhere. I only remember because of the pics of us making a mega snow fort were in the Westerly Sun.