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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Sure the 80s had some ratters but not all. Pre Teen and Teenage perceptions North Foster RI
  2. What in the Sam Hell is that? 2 decent shortwaves before the torch and nothing to write home about. Next good shot around the 16th.
  3. 1 to 3 offshore and weak but super congrats Hazey and Nick and Leo too. Free Leo
  4. When Brady retires then you can go back to hockey
  5. Congrats CNE NNE on the 1998 ice storm on the Euro day 8
  6. Funny how the 8th has been on the radar for 2 weeks, maybe we catch a break down here. Haven't had snow ice otg since Dec 23rd.
  7. Congrats Dendrite. Heavy wet snow, clear the coops frequently after every storm before the 0 degree day comes.
  8. Stat geeks. New Box daily records page https://www.weather.gov/box/dailytopten?wfo=box
  9. You might as well go all in with Kuchie lol Congrats
  10. Shrinkage after some hot Euro model teaser dance.
  11. Oh lord I remember that uphill traverse. I skied BB every year at our week long ski camp from age 8 to 15. Plus Otis and Berkshire Basin.
  12. From former Box Met Byrce W today at Stowe. Gotta tell ya my heart bleeds for you
  13. Lol good stuff. Still time for this to go back to a cutter Alex ha
  14. Bias scores as Scooter said have major sensible weather implications. Qpf scores have greatly improved this decade so there's that.
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