The wind speed component is a factor. As Ryan as pointed out wind increases accretion rates. Complex formulas involved but Utilities especially need all parameters to prepare.
Once the occurrence of freezing rain was determined by one of the above methods, estimates of ice accretion thickness on surface objects were calculated at each model grid point using the simple ice accretion model (Jones 1998). The uniform radial ice thickness on a cylinder, accumulated over the duration of a storm, is calculated by
where Req is the uniform radial ice thickness (mm), N is the number of hours of freezing precipitation, ρi is the density of ice (=0.9 g cm−3), ρ0 is the density of water (=1.0 g cm−3), P is the precipitation rate (mm h−1), V is the wind speed (m s−1), and W is the liquid water content (Wj = 0.067P0.846j