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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Backside colder and snow in Berks Hunchie area, also warmer at the surface part 1
  2. Yea especially on the Euro with a 988 North of Caribou with deep embedded cold.
  3. I guess you could say that about lots of parameters in lots of storms.
  4. 3k NAM destroys Hippy and really likes Western RI hills for ice
  5. Yea unless that bombs out and partially phases you lose height crashes. Not convinced yet. Part 2 has gotten stronger the last runs.
  6. I don't know about that but thanks. I posted what I would thought would happen and then what the Euro showed. There is a big difference. Having the Euro so warm has me rethinking a little but there is still time to adjust as always. We are still 36 hours away, everyone needs to calm down. Despite Pickles assertion above, evolutions do change, cold dewpoint drain can be thicker and deeper. CAD in place is not easy for modeling and harder when developing. HREF RGEM and 3 K NAM will be the models I watch inside 36. Easily could go from a freezing rain or rain situation to a sleet bomb or vice versa depending on your location. No wishcasting here.
  7. Man you changed your forecast based on one run. Hey maybe next time.
  8. If he knew how to read he would know what I thought would happen not what I posted the Euro showed. But since it didn't fit his agenda he was triggered. Snowflake
  9. Usually .5 unless there is additional weight from snow
  10. Yea god forbid I speak the truth about what a model run shows. We all know whose marbles are scrambled. Reading comprehension 101 at Tolland Middle School for Adult Education is available.
  11. Hey if you are concerned about your life, spend the 10 bucks a month and buy a wx subscription
  12. Congrats Union at 1100 feet. Have to be above 1010 it appears
  13. On the Euro at least this is a non event for all of Ct, some brief sleet. Dewpoints never drop below 34, hard to get siggy ice being that warm. One run but those calling for 2008 ice storm took a hit on the chin on that model at least
  14. Time to watch. Very warm at the surface well away from dewpoint drain.
  15. Coming together as envisioned. Never punt when you can get points on the board. Well maybe fake punt. Nice run for you, still time to figure this all out though. Hopefully no Lucy
  16. There's the Chicken coop collapser. Maybe the biggest power outage issue is heavy wet snow in the Monads PWM region
  17. 12 Z Sat Euro delivered for CNE, no changes
  18. Imagine you saying this after all the years of wishing it so at the original Pit
  19. Unhinged, paranoid and delusional. AA bro soon
  20. You need to stop with your angry stuff. You are embarrassing yourself in a public arena.
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