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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Sort of like climate change.....lol I get it bro, totally get it. Storm 1 was an ice storm in a lot of Ct. Storm 2 only in NWCT
  2. That's fine. I think we need mesonet stations everywhere. Asos doesn't cut it. Seems NWS uses ASOS for verification a lot. Hopefully funding increases dramatically now. Its extremely important the work you do.
  3. We troll because you do too. You can met piggy pile all you want it's fine. Nothing better than getting Mets riled up because of semantics. Works every time. Kevin showed a pic right from the first ice storm, more than .1?
  4. Lol if you dont want to hear our opinions, that's fine too. After all its us you serve not the other way around. You do fantastic work Chris but understand how we as the GP see things. An ice storm might not meet rigid standards set by NWS but ask anyone what it was and I bet 99.9% say ice storm not freezing rain event. As I said I was trolling Scott like he trolls. Obviously semantically you were correct but I guarantee people will remember it as an ice storm.
  5. Hot Tardys, highly recommended. Hot tea, real lemon, honey and a shot of whiskey, southern comfort best. Totally works
  6. I don't care at all really. It wasn't damaging in my hood, others saw damage. I never ever claimed we had 2, never. As far as verification goes that's all your gig. Us mere mortals see thick ice, it's an ice storm. 2 to 4 inches of snow it's a snowstorm. You really want to improve research get NCDC off its ass and correct their incomplete incorrect databases. You guys troll all the time so once in a while it's good to get you wound up. We joke
  7. Save a horse bro the rest is just something to talk about.
  8. Lol trolling goes both ways. Wx mets can dish..... FYI this morning in NW CT 1 inch flat surface
  9. But hey you didn't have a winter storm warning for your foot plus so semantically did it happen?
  10. No one outside you wx Met weenie insiders would say that first storm wasn't an ice storm. You can semantic all day long with technical jargon but cmon get real .
  11. Might want to revisit that thought. Trees are in terrible shape down here.
  12. Semantics in Bureaucracy land agree, but no one in Ct would say it was a freezing rain event, they would say ice storm.
  13. I have to agree with you. That was an ice storm but just not a damaging one. By far longest I have had .4 ice on trees in Dec. The 50 plus mph winds for hours sending shards like missiles was one of the coolest wx phenomena I have witnessed.
  14. Hope you feel better. Word on the street is 2 weeks minimum. Watch for pneumonia. You are over 50 now get a pneumonia shot.
  15. Deck is covered with dipping dots from last nights quick squall. So we begin the New Year with a trace of snow in da bucket
  16. If that ULL stays closed less than 534 right below us, one bite everyone knows the rules. And the 7th 8th is definitely not off the table. So one week, 2 threats. Next week after we ridge and dry. Thats how I read it.
  17. May I be the first to post our Mets favorite, first clown map of 2020. Perfect vision year. Nice CCB
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