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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. We brown, maybe a coating tomorrow and wait for final determination on Wed come Tuesday morning
  2. We need a 24 hour rule for thread threats. This 72 hr stuff is ridiculous.
  3. Welcome aboard, an hour North and you could have skied in snow all day
  4. Cept he admits Bos is wrong. Kind of what's wrong with the entire agenda stuff on both sides.
  5. Scooter led the charge in 15. If we score anything besides flurries it's a win. I am disappointed though as I had picked out tomorrow and the 8th back on Christmas Eve. Doesn't always work with my formula. Slow this bitch down
  6. Yea well I haven't made a forecast so I don't know where that is coming from
  7. Yea weird. Sucks though that the flow cant slow even a little. Two good shortwaves screaming past. 12 hr trip from NJ to see Nick in St John
  8. Sure the 80s had some ratters but not all. Pre Teen and Teenage perceptions North Foster RI
  9. What in the Sam Hell is that? 2 decent shortwaves before the torch and nothing to write home about. Next good shot around the 16th.
  10. 1 to 3 offshore and weak but super congrats Hazey and Nick and Leo too. Free Leo
  11. When Brady retires then you can go back to hockey
  12. Congrats CNE NNE on the 1998 ice storm on the Euro day 8
  13. Funny how the 8th has been on the radar for 2 weeks, maybe we catch a break down here. Haven't had snow ice otg since Dec 23rd.
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