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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. People who are low on snow in here are crazy. I mean it's like they have not lived through a low snow Dec Jan before. Amazing
  2. Just kidding, why would you be waiting for me? I am not panicking Jan 24th. Feb to mid March is our snowy times as has been.
  3. Yea right in this thread,cmon multiple by ten
  4. Only .4qpf difference not that it matters
  5. I mean we can still have great snowstorms but all indicators on all Ens have a POS AO Pos NAO neutral if not negative PNA and a positive EPO. That warming at 50 mb is temporary. This is all on overnight runs. Things change but today any sustained deep winter for Feb is not shown
  6. Is the Corona virus as bad as the beer? Asking for a friend
  7. Good citizenship, it's not like your profession has requested help from its citizens or anything
  8. Laser measurements are not far off. Just shine it down into your yard
  9. It's funny you think anything in New England is a remote mountain village. Maybe a few in NE Maine .Its not about caring but about science to me
  10. I really enjoy Meteorology, no surprise the younger generation is the me me. There are exceptions like Ocean State but for the most part its screw every one else. Jackpot only or wishing rains to Maine. Sure we all like a great snowstorm but my point is it's even enjoyable watching the weather unfold outside YBY. You can also learn a lot about microclimates, dynamics. Some here just forget about a storm if it rains in there backyard. I like to try to understand why it rained and enjoy watching others get slammed. I think I have gained a lot of knowledge by observing, just my thing.
  11. This is legit, 3/4 mile from my house at 725 feet, I am 515 13 degrees
  12. Nice sunrise on the Gray NWS camera
  13. 10 bucks a month, 33 cents a day. 3 dunkin donut coffees. Why in Gods name would you want the control run anyways.
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