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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. The prior year the Midwest had the same. I think its nearly impossible to repeat but never say never. Look at all the people who said a Hurricane could never turn left into Central NJ. The futures weather is virtually unpredictable
  2. 18 Z GFS looks like EPS mean, late blooming , nails Maine
  3. You would rather bare ground, sleet ,clouds and 38? Sounds awful
  4. Yes sir, out on the deck soaking up the sun working on tanning the nape. Glorious, lunch out there too
  5. Ugh been beautiful here 48, just got back inside. Sorry you had such shitty weather
  6. Yea it was feeling great out here on the deck while I rile up the concerned citizens
  7. Entertainers, politicians, the ultra rich. All want you to sacrifice while they live the high life
  8. 8 dogs, 3 big,5 small and always a foster or 2 in a 1.5 acre fenced in yard. We are very diligent about it. They tend to do their business in the back. I have a scoop and bag system and then its trashed.
  9. Yes but as I said no free lunch. It's so easy to say what the fix is without worrying about are the ramifications.
  10. Average person discards a cell phone every 18 months. Theres a consumption problem with technology. Those worried about carbon should do their part to change policy but also should lead by example. I love the Al Gores of the world who preach carbon reduction while living in a home that uses more carbon than 10 of our houses.
  11. Toxic Leaching The Natural Resources Defense Council observes that lead, mercury and cadmium found in personal electronic devices such as mobile phones can “release dangerous toxins into our air and water when burned or deposited in landfills improperly.” In these situations, there can be significant environmental impacts. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that ecosystems near point sources of lead often demonstrate biodiversity loss, decreased growth and reproductive rates, and neurological effects in vertebrates.
  12. 250 foot deep well, dougie do picked up 2 times a day. Try again. What happens when your diapers end up in Boston Harbor
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