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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. So what's the answer? Let's hear them and what will be the results of your solution and are you sure your solutions will be the answer . Who will be negatively effected by your solutions?
  2. I don't give a crap what you do, what you say, who you support. You do you. Its awesome you are proactive in supporting your beliefs, leave me alone to believe what I believe is a media driven agenda . I don't think anyone is out to get me.
  3. Problem is you can't be in the middle on anything, if you are you get attacked as a denier or alarmist. Possibly the biggest issue facing this country is the radicals get all the attention. Either you are with us or you are not. Reality is most people have a moderate sensible take on things. But extremism gets the hype and that is squarely on the hands of all media.
  4. Here in lies the problem I was addressing. You have expressed my thoughts much better than I.
  5. Pollution is something we all can take part in. IDK about metal straws sipping Mai Tais in the Caribbean. Who shamed you? I was generalizing. Sorry you took it as a personal attack. Vacation away man. IDC what anyone does just dont infringe your ideals on my ideals. You are free to think and feel as you like but so am I. I personally believe there is agenda that is magnifying and hyping. Oil companies of course are ruthless pigs, so are politicians on both sides. Once you come to understand the game you will realize how fruitless it is. It's been fixed since the dawn of time.
  6. Teaching alarmist articles is a novel idea that scares kids.
  7. Me either. Of course I think climate changes for many reasons
  8. Problem is they are teaching it in schools. Literally reading articles like you reference to kids. When your kids get in school follow what they are drilled. Its scary
  9. Scaring kids is what its come to. My grandaughter asked me if she was going to be dead in 12 years. Imagine that, you guys carry on.
  10. Of course, god forbid anyone disagree on here. I made one comment Legro attacked. Its obvious
  11. Lol if you think there is no money in the Global Warming industry. If all of you who are so very concerned would do your own part in reducing carbon then maybe you can help stem the looming disaster. Wonder how much carbon not taking a trip to the Caribbean saves. The hypocrisy is what bothers me. I believe what I believe, to belittle my beliefs is what alarmists do. They are not proactive. It only takes one person at a time to help solve the problem. Good luck though with China and the rest of the developing world. We try to impose our solutions while reducing their way of life. What are you doing to reduce your carbon output? Lemmings gonna lem
  12. Sorry to disagree about the media's agenda. Its real. I could care less about some kids opinions. I form my own. Global warming is real. Its climate
  13. Last 365 days records. We were bombarded with the 4 to 1 warm records to cold for years, yet how much attention to this. I am totally aware the globe is warming but if you cant see how manipulative things are then I am sorry to disagree
  14. That's bullshit. I can go back and show you many posts in here about how it's only a small geographic area . The national media didn't say anything about the polar vortex last year. Look I get the Global warming deal, it's real but it's all heat all the time with an agenda driven media. If it doesn't fit it's a side story, if it does its front page.
  15. Not just cold but Record cold ,like last year in the upper midwest. No agenda , yea ok
  16. My brother recently moved to Reno from AK. He told me yesterday his friends have told him it's been brutal in Palmer north of Anchorage. Fairbanks is going to set a monthly low max. If it was hot everyone would already know.
  17. Snake bites in here have some paralyzed unable to believe the past doesn't predict the future.
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