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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yes but as I said no free lunch. It's so easy to say what the fix is without worrying about are the ramifications.
  2. Average person discards a cell phone every 18 months. Theres a consumption problem with technology. Those worried about carbon should do their part to change policy but also should lead by example. I love the Al Gores of the world who preach carbon reduction while living in a home that uses more carbon than 10 of our houses.
  3. Toxic Leaching The Natural Resources Defense Council observes that lead, mercury and cadmium found in personal electronic devices such as mobile phones can “release dangerous toxins into our air and water when burned or deposited in landfills improperly.” In these situations, there can be significant environmental impacts. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that ecosystems near point sources of lead often demonstrate biodiversity loss, decreased growth and reproductive rates, and neurological effects in vertebrates.
  4. 250 foot deep well, dougie do picked up 2 times a day. Try again. What happens when your diapers end up in Boston Harbor
  5. Classic want your cake and eat it too. God forbid you sacrifice to improve it. Of course we want to improve it but don't act like you are on a higher moral ground
  6. I agree 100%. Imagine the outcry then when all the elites have to give up there golf courses to save the planet
  7. Its actually better from a higher pressure colder air aspect
  8. My last comment, all those replies from people on their 1000 dollar smart phones made by sweat shops in China. Like you really care. If that shames you so be it.
  9. I already said I like solar in the right places. I was in Hopkinton RI yesterday. I saw a 180 acre forest completely stripped. If that's the road you want to go down hoping it helps climate change that's your prerogative.
  10. Not true at all https://www.providencejournal.com/news/20180316/worry-over-solar-sprawl-spreads-across-rhode-island?template=ampart
  11. Other thing about forests, they are renewable energy sources. In 20 years all those solar fields are useless.
  12. I really think solar is great, strip mining entire forests to put them up not so much. Not just the carbon, it's the animals, the vegetation, the beauty. It's pretty sad to see 180 acres of trees felled to put up solar.
  13. You might want to research your green solutions a little
  14. Toxic waste from solar panels is a huge problem. We really need to think it through not jump in head first. Last thing we need are more Army Corps of Engineers disasters
  15. You aware of the strip mining of forests in New England to put up solar panels? The carbon those trees absorb....
  16. So what's your plan? I mean it's fine to be an idealist but what exactly are you proposing . I seem to have seen that climate related deaths are way down and if course costs are up when we build on barrier beaches. We are pretty dumb
  17. See this is exactly what I mean.moderate meaning taking action that is not based on hype but rather takes into account all ramifications of action. Solar power is great until you have to dispose of the panels. Alternative energy like Nuclear is great until it's not. There is no free lunch. Garth said it very well.
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