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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. The 13th isnt totally lost yet but yea I understand the angst.
  2. We were on the cusp of the 3rd most epic snowstorm in Ct history . Euro forecast
  3. Baro traces all over are wild at the bottom, snake like. Usually only see that in hurricanes, undulations galore. From Judd Cooper in Coventry Ct
  4. Damage crops up? Ian posted blossoms in DC today
  5. Seems pines took a beating down there.RT 3 in Hopkinton had a similar scene
  6. Yikes best bud Little Joe's wife was in her car when a branch fell in his driveway. Just about totalled the car, no injuries. Big tree damage in Ashaway RI
  7. Friends in Hopkinton RI out of power since 3 pm, lots of tree damage
  8. Yea true saw some iso rise falls at bottom of traces
  9. We sting https://nwschat.weather.gov/p.php?pid=202002072105-KBOX-NOUS41-PNSBOX
  10. Stinger as rapid pressure rose, gravity wave like went right over me.
  11. We sting, bunch of limbs and a couple of trees down on my way home
  12. Sending people out into the teeth of a storm always a great idea
  13. Euro weeklies have no chance of a neg NAO thru March. LR forecasts like winter LR forecasts meh , hit or miss. Ratter on the weeklies. No torch though so like Scooter said it doesn’t want to let us out.
  14. With another 1.5 to 2 qpf for Stowe on 18z models. Heavy heavy
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