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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. April is gonna be our suck month , peeps happy about a warm March will be regretting that it wasn't April instead
  2. Middletown Ct 5.75 melted 50 inches of snow. Oh how we pray for a coastal front like that
  3. Waiting for Jerry to post his stills from March 88
  4. Lol I know, just thought it was funny in your context
  5. Geez I have been outside since 1000 am and haven't seen one lonely bug. Sucks to be in your area or stuck in a car all day. Cocadoodledewless
  6. All doors and windows open. No bugs, COC season commences.men in suits everywhere
  7. Better do that later as the chill was there this morning when I was out
  8. Yea that does suck . I put all mine in a $1 retirement fund last year before I retired. No risk stuff.
  9. Maybe their symptoms aren't related. Flu is highly prevalent. I still think this has been around a lot longer than we know.
  10. Arlington elementary closed because Parent positive and child has symptoms. Both tested. Seems like testing is ongoing 47 tests in Ct 1 positive.
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