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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yet another blizzard for you. Are you tired of winning yet?
  2. I get up at 5 everyday,was nice to see the sun before 6. Clock change is too early
  3. Lol love the name calling and assignments of mental acuity he does if people disagree with him. Classic
  4. Sort of like showing Cape for a possible severe event 2 days prior?
  5. Was surprised to see some FB posts mentioning a snowstorm.
  6. Was surprised to see some FB posts mentioning a snowstorm.
  7. Peeps starting storm threads 5 days out. I miss the old days when we didnt start specific threads until it was obvious most would get a storm of semblance rain or snow
  8. I don't know about nuisance snows here but it's close enough to warrant a look
  9. Staring out over the ocean like a schoolboy peeking through the window of a strip club. Teaser, so close yet so far
  10. Yea just can see some people having a final total and complete meltdown as they interpret posts incorrectly. Gonna be COC tomorrow
  11. Man another 8 inches today for you,the pics look amazing
  12. Setting up for the ultimate coctease on overnight runs. Would fit the season
  13. Is it meh? Mehing to jackpot meh or mehing to meh meh
  14. First detected in Wuhan? Its all speculation but I know quite a few folks who had a nagging 3 week deep cough that was basically undiagnosed and not associated with the flu. Each person said they never had a cold last that long. I remember people posting here too about their experience. I have no idea but it is interesting
  15. There has been a lot of speculation that the 3 to 4 week cold a lot where getting back in Nov Dec was possibly Covid. Unproven because no one was testing for it but it is possible it's been here for months.
  16. Euro 513 south of the Cape GFS 531 south of LI CMC 516 south of Long Island UK 528 south of LI. Everyone knows the rule
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