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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Hard to believe 5 years ago today at work they reached maximum depth. The bottom of those tables are 36 inches. There are 100 chairs under the snow. Work was 7 miles from LI sound. There are some buds on trees down there today.
  2. Wow even Blue Hill had 90 while HFD had 53
  3. Plus it won't get dark until 715. I can hear the sounds of ball meeting bats and gloves already. 60 plus
  4. Field test obviously. Impaired driving is impaired whether alcohol weed or prescription drugs or illegal drugs.
  5. Let's be real the big problems from people are people who can't control themselves. Often combining weed with alchohol. Maybe wrong but stoners who only smoke don't go into THC fueled rages, don't steal to support a habit,don't beat up people. Tend to be mellow,laid back and live accordingly. People who drink and get drunk, tend to be loud, prone to violence and destructive. I mean why exactly is the private consumption of weed so scary to folks. I just dont get it.
  6. Read this https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2017.303848
  7. It does bother me how states are trying to keep people from growing small amounts so that big business growers corner the market. I would live to grow 4 or 5 plants, make some butter without risk
  8. He does live in VT too ,practically the epicenter of weed. The amount of older people I know who use edibles for arthritis and aging pains is significant. Many of them would never inhale smoke. The strides made from Cbd to THC medically have made a huge positive influence on society.
  9. Boston 1957-10 T 0 1957-11 0.1 0 1957-12 T 0 1958-01 6.6 0 1958-02 23.9 0 1958-03 12.0 0 1958-04 2.1
  10. What culture surrounds weed. You do realize everyone from Doctors to laymen are consumers. More often than not casual users know their limits and are recreational only. As with anything moderation is the key.
  11. I rise at 5 am each morning bed 10 or 11. Some people need more sleep than others. A 30 minute power nap is really great to reenergize the day.
  12. It is funny how Dr Dews thinks weed is so bad. Is he like 75 years old or something.
  13. Never had any. What's the dose you take.
  14. You scared him off with your PTSD. Oh I see he is in the other thread
  15. Wheres T blizzard with our daily ICON update,holy crap
  16. Take Rt 2 to 26 to 93 back if you want to see all the weenie snow spots
  17. Only a 50 inch difference on the Euro. Guess who wins, save us the GFS schools the Euro crap Wolfie
  18. Some big wind gusts today bringing down some trees around the area. Duxbury especially
  19. Your son looks like you. Great weenie pic, wish I didn't lose my 78 pics to a flood
  20. 50 plus,lol might as well toss the GFS in the trash heap. Save the money, run 4 day mesos. Keep Ensembles for planning purposes mesos for actual conditions
  21. Still over 8 inches with blizzard conditions. How the mighty have become blaise
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