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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yes let's hope the plateau WHO report from China is an indication that it can be contained .
  2. Fisher is pissed I posted the letter. He says he mentions it all the time. His previous tweet was saying Bostons 2nd warmest winter. I think Blue Hill is 8th or so
  3. Hopefully not. I remember the SARS hype too well I guess.
  4. World health organization sent 25 scientist there and examined records. They say it has plateaued there due to Chinese restrictions. The WHO site has all this including non hype mortality rates.
  5. Excuse me but look back you jumped in on a truthful statement I made. 14K deaths this year from the flu in the US. What exactly did I say that wasn't correct. You blew this up like you always do and then back out trying to place blame.
  6. What makes you different than that? Come off your high horse
  7. Iran has a 14% rate. Where did you get this stat https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/why-iran-s-reported-mortality-rate-coronavirus-higher-other-countries-n1142646
  8. Best to stay educated by reading scientific reports rather than social media. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/coronavirus-fatality-rates-vary-wildly-depending-on-age-gender-and-medical-history-some-patients-fare-much-worse-than-others-2020-02-26
  9. Means I am sorry you are affected by trade due to the virus. In fact my response to Hazey had to do with health insurance. You and Mahk drove it into global trade somehow. Hazeys post was hyping the need for good health insurance due to an illness that causes flu like symptoms in 98 % of the population.
  10. We shall see. Sorry you do so much business with China though.
  11. For a flu like illness that disproportionately effects the sick and elderly the worst? Hype much?
  12. Mute point now with all the rain snow the next 15 days on the EPS. Typical March with yo yo temps nothing extreme. Warm days are wet.
  13. Why has zero to do with short term dryness from my original post. We are discussing ground dryness not reservoir levels and fake droughts. You dont understand the difference but that's ok we understand
  14. Sure 25 to 50 % of normal here. No snow pack to melt. This wet period coming up will help a lot
  15. Yea gonna be warm Wed Thurs. Happy Morch 1st
  16. Just in time, dry periods in Spring lead to brush fires like those already happening this week. Facts are since the first of the year it's been dry and below normal. Just facts, rivers are low, no snow melt. No one says drought because that's a fraud 5 you make up. Like saying its pouring .02 today.
  17. Yep as Modfan noted there already have been some brush fires south of the Pike. I know he is in a car all week and its hard to evaluate, so we excuse the ignorance
  18. Do people say that at the end of August, know one who does every year.
  19. Dry since the beginning of the year. Look forward to the rain, rivers are low, water tables dropping. Spring coming , dont want dryed out brush. Looks good on the EPS
  20. Sorry to present facts when posters post fantasy thoughts without checking reality.
  21. Last 90 days. Dry we need the rain. Looks great on the EPS
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