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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Hey, my experience is that damage begins around 4 inches on Pines and 6 to 8 on sturdy hardwoods with diseased trees the least. Good luck
  2. He would be all over you for posting a day 10 cold map and you know it
  3. No wonder why it looked the same lol, out in the sun
  4. No way, a big 6 to 8 inch dumper after Mid April is not meh in any sense of the word, its historical
  5. Light stuff during the day in April is meh
  6. NAM was also way north with the Maine Blizzard
  7. I should have been a tree guy or owned a tree trimming company. Bidness be good
  8. Why not, just stick another knife in me.
  9. We had considerable snow way down in SRI where I was living. My handwritten notes said 4 inches in the valley and 6 at elevation. Melted as fast as it fell which is probably why it didn't get recorded
  10. Looks cold on 6 Z Euro. Don't know how accurate this will be but that's enough to take down yet more limbs
  11. From 2016 through 2018, it’s estimated gypsy moths defoliated more than 2 million acres in southern New England, which means a lot of cleanup for foresters.
  12. I saw a RI drone view from last year and it was wow. Thousands of acres of dead oaks. Now I see evidence of ash borers and rotted trees attacked by fungus and ants. A hurricane will be devastating in SNE
  13. Those mutha****as have totally reeked havoc on my life and cost me thousands of dollars, ruined our shade. Little bastards lol
  14. Unfortunately due to my disability that will need to be done by professionals. Back in the day I would be chain sawing like a mofo. I lumbered for my brother in law for 3 seasons as a teen, still have those muscles lol
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