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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Is it funny there is actually a.snow clown map on the Euro for May 7th?
  2. What a year to shut down Spring skiing
  3. Love Saul. I don't have Showtime anymore but absolutely loved Homeland
  4. Nice sneaky wet month here already 5.60
  5. All night a roar to my east which never really mixed down here. Very cool actually. Sitting on my deck last night with virtually no wind but could hear the roar to my NE. I see places in Gloucester had 50 plus gusts
  6. Saw it. Crazy mix of teen age angst and crazy gold fever with associated violence. Last couple of episodes were excellent
  7. Yea lol 1500 ft .How was the wind I could hear it out east.
  8. I could hear the wind out east, roaring but never making it here in big gusts. Fascinating really
  9. Loved The Wire. Like Bosch too. A different type of great series that is off beat and entertaining is After Life with Ricky Gervais. Another fantastic series is Fauda its subtitled but is about Israeli anti terrorist and Hamas terrorism squads with incredible insight to both sides. I have a bunch of series under my belt from my days housebound from medical to now isolation
  10. Check out the WV loop. That ULL is virtually stationary. I thought at first there was a loop or satellite error https://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/goes/abi/goesEastconusband08.html
  11. Fabulous COC day yesterday, 65 here. The beach was absolutely stunningly vivid and clear. I cant remember seeing Long Island and Block Island so clearly. Must have been what it was like in the 1800s before mass pollution. No hype either. I grew up on those beaches and was stunned. Today is a good series streaming day. I highly recommend Ozark, starts off slow but oh my.
  12. Meh here to could be Coop collapser north but maybe not. Pick a model pick your poison. Lots of changes dynamically . Wagons north and up
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