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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Kevin = heat wave. I mean you can't be any more wrong
  2. I just had a memory pop up of a small patch of snow we found hiking Furnace State park in Danielson Ct May 15th 2011
  3. Lol fugly heat wave we are getting, instead of the promised Sonoran heat release we are getting a monsoon release
  4. Wiz 18 hrs ahead is all I look at for severe. I would chase in SVT, find a mountain top open area with a wide vista and fold shelf clouds and maybe a wall cloud. You can't count how many times well intentioned Mets have posted 36 to 48 he NAM maps and immediately started talking about the severe threat only to have it poof 30 hrs later
  5. Blows. No need to install, pool cover stays on but we may see days and days of COC after the wheel flattens
  6. Let's hope not. Even EPS is fugly for the week. Have to say those Euro weeklies last week of April warned us.
  7. Hopefully this morning debris clears out and we hit 80. Had .18 overnight currently 54. Tomorrow should be a COC day Sunday looks much cooler then it's a crap couple of days at minimum
  8. Animate model temps and precip.
  9. I mean it is what it is but what it ain't is
  10. Hunchie ORHs streak still alive - 2 yesterday. It ends today
  11. Make it stop. We May 05
  12. For the kids who dont know
  13. COC day winds picking up now though with cirrus creep
  14. Full summer mode. Music blaring on the deck, chillaxin ,tanning the nape. Might even crack a IPA with lunch just to salute Kev on his great call for today being the best day of the next 7, he said that right?
  15. Heat wave disappears faster than his hair
  16. Yea instead of rain on 7 of 10 days it could have been 10
  17. You are the Belichick of SNE, on to next weekend
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