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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Euro has a cool cloudy 4th Ct river East
  2. Not to mention the smell, the bugs, snakes and mold. I am good with our maybe 20 days a year with heat indexes above 90. Warm sun, low dews mid 80s. Everyone loves those days.
  3. Glad we don't live there. Had a brief shower around 4 but most of the day was partly cloudy and warm.
  4. That cell sounded like a war zone from here
  5. He is going to get smoked. Interesting cell in Putnam may merge with that bear me
  6. Yea lol, ULL stadium effect. Rotation over Radarman?
  7. Surrounded by, here nada, from da pool
  8. Same areas getting flooding as yesterday.
  9. Actually pretty damn nice out now here, suns out, guns out
  10. Looking good, definitely a COC 4th
  11. 2.13 for month so far. 2 below normal
  12. Watching sat today you could easily pick out where the Tstorms would train,marine layer cleared out the CU this afternoon here. Very cool sats today with the Nukes too
  13. 7/10 er here but zero complaints the party continues, sounds like a war zone to my North
  14. 85 beautiful sunny, sea breeze passed sending clouds north
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