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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Tues morning and Wed morning high astro tides 10.78 ft. Compared to highest tides of August 11.11 ft so definitely up there
  2. Let the landscaping crew, maintenance man handle my chores? I will get right on it
  3. Its fuking miserable out. Just ran my generator bi monthly test. Who in their right mind likes this shit? Guaranteed no one who works outside for a living.
  4. New Graphics maps come out tomorrow, this is a preview
  5. Winners and losers' in the precip department for July
  6. The water is the only place I can exercise without pain. I have abandoned the double overhead waves and only ride 6 feet and under which I can manage easily. The ocean is a part of me and will be forever.
  7. There were days where there were 15 to 20 thousand people in a 3/4 mile section of beach with 20 lifeguards
  8. DT calling for a major pattern change to cooler and wetter.
  9. I hated trying to watch all the kids when it was crowded. Missing kids took up a lot of our time. Parents don't pay attention. A kid goes in the water, current brings him 20 feet down shore, they go looking for Mom and its a sea of blankets and then they start walking. I actually had 1 Mom tell me it was my fault as I should have been watching. I just shook my head. I worked at a grocery store at night but ate at an Italian restaurant every night, Moms. ( she wasn't Italian but taught by them while Dad was at war)
  10. can I ask why? I mean you are so far inland you would have to chase to see anything
  11. The obvious sign is discoloration of the water. Rips stir up the bottom
  12. You must visit a different ocean than me. Obviously post and pre storm it can get murky but last week I was watching stripers 20 feet below me swimming by. I would love to see a river / lake with 100 feet visibility.
  13. Happens, key is to not panic, overswim. Yes being a beach lifeguard is a whole league different than a pool, lake guard. We averaged about 10 saves a day when the rips were ripping. I had one guy try to drown me as he was in total panic, punched him in the mouth, dove under and grabbed him twisted him around and came up with my arm under his chin to get him in. He was drunk to boot. Quickly escorted out by the staties . 75% of days were lake conditions though. If you are at a beach and its rough stay at knee level and watch them kids like a hawk.
  14. Open ocean salt water with lots of wave action is better than any water park ever conceived, probably cleaner too.
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