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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. At least part time would be a compromise. Just shutting it all down is not good. I heard the casinos put in uv in all HVAC and retrofitted to 100% outside air exchange. Huge outlay of money I would assume . As far as modern goes those are 20 plus year old systems. There haven't been any outbreaks traced back cept for a couple of employees here and there but no superspreaders. As long as your county has minimal spread I see zero reason why your solution isn't a viable option.
  2. ? If it were all kids and a limited number of Adults and I had to weigh the entirety of risks physically , socially and economically to all including the parents using distancing and masking , yes. Is it ideal no. But its never been ideal for any essential workers.
  3. Imagine having 4 kids each with a need to remote. I don't know about other schools but I have listened to my daughter and her kids complain incessantly about how badly the remote stuff is and how the teachers are mailing it in. Sad times
  4. Lol why is most of RI and ECT under water?
  5. Spots near Danbury Ct have close to 8 inches. Flip flop from June
  6. I mean how does a science teacher do labs remotely? The paranoia is off the charts. All these essential workers have hung in there day after day,daycares are open. I don't get it.
  7. I will bet on intensity ramping up above expectations in the Bahamas sending panic up the coast only to be fringed. Hype sells
  8. I mean you can water the hydrangeas with a watering can.
  9. Tues morning and Wed morning high astro tides 10.78 ft. Compared to highest tides of August 11.11 ft so definitely up there
  10. Let the landscaping crew, maintenance man handle my chores? I will get right on it
  11. Its fuking miserable out. Just ran my generator bi monthly test. Who in their right mind likes this shit? Guaranteed no one who works outside for a living.
  12. New Graphics maps come out tomorrow, this is a preview
  13. Winners and losers' in the precip department for July
  14. The water is the only place I can exercise without pain. I have abandoned the double overhead waves and only ride 6 feet and under which I can manage easily. The ocean is a part of me and will be forever.
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