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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. NWS Lake Charles has evacuated. 10' Msl, surge expected 15 feet
  2. There were 98 tornados with Rita. Already 4 warnings out for Laura
  3. yea busting Scooters balls is easy. I laugh everytime he complains and then an hour later its either dumping snow or a thunderstorm hits him. Scooter knows...
  4. Euro with your standard 210 mph gusts offshore tonight
  5. surrounded by people who know what a furnace is. Hype sells we know
  6. Well last I looked it was still summer but overall for the next 15 days EPS is normal with a couple of dewy days. Furnace? Meh
  7. Cranky meh Cat 2. Lol now 5 mph below cat 4, recon just measured 140 at flight level, 951 meh
  8. We know in ECT. Already took down 8, had 7 fall in 3 years. Number 9 in my backyard
  9. IDK you really need to get out. So many "hot"intelligent women who are dedicated, loving and great people.
  10. He is definitely denigrating what a furnace is.
  11. Is today awesome or what!!! Cocadoodledewless! Wind is whipping cool air. Perfect yard work day. What a great air mass change
  12. Oh Cranky cmon lol winds 125 pressure 956 dude is lost
  13. Oh didn't realize you lived at the airport. Ok
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