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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Problem is trough moved over us and deep layered shear is mega
  2. 10 years ago. I would have gone up there and done it.
  3. Keeping your service customers is key to surviving the down times, he is very cognizant of that. Service is not lucrative but it’s important as a safeguard if new construction drops
  4. My son in law own a very large million dollar a year plus in accounts plumbing business, is facing the same problem with suppliers but luckily has a good workforce and people looking for work applying. Carpenters, electricians are in very short supply
  5. Not to mention all these places that went part time with no Benny's like sick, vacation, leave, insurance. Wholesale changes started in 2008 and have gotten worse for the people without skills or education. I highly encouraged all my kids to either get a college degree or get into an apprenticeship. Still extremely hard for the younger ones. But sometimes you have to work at shit jobs until you gain the skills.
  6. Lol man I can relate, my first 11 years of full time employment were at a machinist assembly plant. However the pay and benefits were outstanding, we were unionized so maybe that's why. However out of the 600 people who worked there approximately 350 developed some sort of cancer. No way to recoup as a German company bought the business and beat feet and destroyed all records. Tri chlorethene was what we washed the grease off of us, also Cadium plating. I know everyone who got cancer as I was Chief Union Steward and had relationships with them. Personally 6 of my friends who worked there got cancer, 3 died. I guess I am a ticking time bomb. Times were different then with chemical handling PPE. Sucks
  7. I employed about 170 people when I was facility director over the years. My long term employees were all over 35, my constant position changes were filled with 20 to 25 year olds. I often hired people who had previous records and many issues. I was always trying to give people second chances. Granted the jobs were not glorious but with hard work, overtime and event tips they could make 45 to 50 k a year with good benefits. The turnover was great and a big problem trying to get employees. After things fell apart at work prior to my layoff it got incredibly hard to find employees. The incentive wasn't there and I didn't blame anyone for not wanting to work at a place part time with no benefits at crappy 15 dollar an hour rates, but prior to that I was disappointed in the young ones.
  8. Wow. Wonder why. Like PF said seems the work is there and he is on a wait list.
  9. wow just looked at unemployment numbers by state and Massachusetts is dead last with a 16% rate. Why is Mass so bad compared with the rest of New England. Seems like they have the same basic economics as CT and RI. NH Maine and VT have tourism issues. Would be interesting to find out.
  10. I only missed the rainy days and Izzy, not many rainy days. Best summer in a long time.
  11. I know that construction is off the hook here but contractors are having trouble getting workers and supplies. Ct is doing exceptionally well outside the service industry. Governor Lamont kept manufacturing and construction open throughout the entire lockdown. A big key around here anyways
  12. That Newfoundland storm was probably the most extreme snow. Imagine shutting down an entire area for a week. That was absolutely nutz and anyone who chased probably would be a lifetime achievement
  13. may have to close the pool after the weekend, its unfortunate that its time low overnight temps and low sun angle, length of day are here. Sucks, will wait until the last minute but losing water temp every day.
  14. Wait take at a look at the biggest changes in %from 19, for construction and manufacturing. Seriously not those $12 hr jobs you are talking about
  15. Saw the in person polls in Mass are doing great. No reason not to vote in person at all if you are physically able.
  16. Awful, some here were saying that once spring was over things would drastically improve. Horrible for VT
  17. 10 19 19? Check again. The world depends on US unfortunately to be oversight. Otherwise there are bad actors ready to pounce. Thats a reality many don't understand but at least we are pulling out of the thousand year tribal wars. I remain confident things will improve step by step. Obviously the world suffered a huge Covid setback and the climb out will take time. Will the USA ever be Utopia, probably not but its better than many alternatives. Much work needs to be done and it starts with jobs and equal opportunity for all.
  18. Lol TUTT Lol MDR is main development region, for tropical storms Africa to Caribbean
  19. 2 full moons in October. Figures our favorite big storm time at the end of October is full moon but its the new moon tides that are very high this month.Sept 19th new moon tides are very high. That coincides with modeling currently showing a classic East Coast setup for tropical trouble.
  20. Its definitely time for a total infrastructure overhaul. That will fill the gap with better paying jobs. Now that the military has been reinforced and we have gotten out of endless wars that extra money should be reinvested in our infrastructure. Manufacturing of all the products and labor to install . Positive things can and should happen. We all hope we can turn the corner to better brighter days.
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