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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Long after Jerry and I are gone our legacy will go on. Him with ratter and I with COC
  2. Shit I will baby sit for 1500 under the table lol. How many hours, not serious about the above but seems like a great job for a reliable retired person under the table.
  3. Tip saying he has a 6 foot COC as a joke was the best part
  4. according to the Monthly weather review the northeast jumped 2 categories up by the end if Sept 66. I do distinctly remember the summer of 66 as a 9 year old. We actually had dust devils on our baseball field which basically was a gravel yard
  5. Rivers are pretty low. My lawn is mostly green again and haven't had to water the garden this week. Definitely in a moderate long term drought. We need all the rain we can get but September usually is not a wet month. Looks like long term is a wet pattern though
  6. Been wet this week. We will see in October. Water Supply Status as of August 31, 2020 Current Status: Our reservoirs are at 75% of capacity. Normal Status for Time of Year: Reservoirs are usually at 74% of capacity.
  7. Short term droughts affect vegetation and shallow dug wells. Long term droughts affect the above as well as ground water, reservoirs, river flows.
  8. Yes by the end of Nov 1966 it was over
  9. Your best bet is to look up Palmer Index. All hydrologists use the Palmer Index for long term drought. We are currently in a moderate long term drought, which means ground water, lakes, reservoirs are below normal. Long term drought takes into account overall precipitation, river flows,ground water. It doesn't concentrate on daily precipitation
  10. First 4 albums bro. Listen to songs like No more no more, Mama kin, walking the Dog, Last child
  11. someone spent thousands on a lawn only to have it wither, hey seasons of wither should be Kevs theme song. Fantastic song by the way.
  12. Yes and fantastic, my Grandmother was the Penale cook queen. Yum
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