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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Holy crap multiple big wheelers blown over in Utah
  2. Imagine if we didn't have all the millionaires in SWCT how much that tax amount would drop. Your stats are all income based . The overwhelming majority of CT residents aren't millionaires
  3. Its accumulating readily in Wyoming on grass and roads in areas that were in the 80s and low 90s yesterday. Already 28 degrees in spots.
  4. We want The state collects no personal or corporate income tax, and it has one of the nation's lowest sales tax rates
  5. Wx geeks love the historic nature. The Wyoming DOT has an incredible web interface with radar, road temps, conditions, web cams. Excellent stuff for travelers, why can't we have nice stuff here. Not like we pay exorbitant taxes or anything.... cool site though https://www.wyoroad.info/Highway/webcameras/NonInterstateCameras.html
  6. Yea 2nd mowing since Izzy for me. Lawn is soaked right now though
  7. Lifetime event though, imagine TAN sitting at 95 yesterday then accumulating snow by dark today. We want, blizzard conditions reported in Wyoming
  8. Prolonged cold rain then a rapid freeze, think not
  9. Red flag warnings with winter storm watch. Kevs dream
  10. I left the day you came up. Epic
  11. Schools of stripers and false albacore all over the place at Watch Hill Light. When I was at East Beach in Watch Hill they were swimming all around me. Just a perfect perfect day
  12. Tons of schooling stripers and false albacore around in Watch Hill
  13. Perfect day in Rhode Island at the beach
  14. 52 going to be a Cocadoodledewless long weekend. Party on Garth
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