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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Like the models said for the last two weeks? I have had over an inch which was better than days and days of nada
  2. 100K no power from the Derecho Mass 4K Ct obvious where the brunt hit
  3. Meh unless you lived Ashford to Woodstock Putnam Thompson SWCT
  4. Cmon dude be real, how many branches did you lose? I mean WxWatcher007 even said it was meh. The best was thru Mass and north of you. Data is data your hype isn't.
  5. 210000 power out in Mass 25K in Ct with majority in NECT Thompson Woodstock area. Just stop 2 Tolland wx stem sites, high wind 33 and 27
  6. No complaints when its free. Meteograms for your exact location. Hard to find elsewhere, a ton of other stuff including bias scores. We explore
  7. EcWMF opened up its products free https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/charts/catalogue/?facets=undefined&time=2020100700,0,2020100700&day=6&quantile=1&area=North America
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