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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. We were talking death rate based on cases being different from July
  2. Wills afraid we won't discuss the 2001 snow season
  3. 5H vortex over Alaska leading to downstream ridging over the NE US
  4. I found out recently through genetic testing Roger Williams is a distant ancestor to my Mom. Seeing as she was from Arkansas that was cool for this native RI er to read
  5. Thanks Mr Eaves I got this. Hope you have a fantastic winter of sledding
  6. You understand that the great majority of cases are under 50 year olds and asymptomatic compared to July?
  7. Wildfire cases across the world. But as Radarman said we are attacking it with all we have and are making progress. I don't trust the media on either side so I question everything and do my own diligence. Too much politics and not enough independent reporting. The media is absolutely insane right now. Lol
  8. Excellent. Didn't realize he was at my Alma Mater. Nice
  9. I don't know what impact he could ever have honestly. I mean people are set in their ways, testing is high. Hard to see what changes.
  10. Scooter asking people why they are so angry is precious considering his past unbridled angry over snowflakes. Its just frozen water dude.
  11. I don't know why Kevin is so angry and down all the time either. I guess being married to a green lawn and having it divorce him might be the root of it. 38 hurricane guarantee also?
  12. Hmm Nov 1 2010. I am sure you were in panic mode then as well. Like I said you are just talk
  13. A pig in November, hmm when have we seen that before.... you wouldn't remember
  14. Probably but its always nice to understand how the metrics are arrived at. I question everything. Especially these days. California is at the top of cases and deaths?
  15. Keep repeating that. Sort of like your constant prediction of a 38 hurricane this year. Just talk
  16. Cept it is not just a few. The occasional prefrontal 60s but the worst month of the year plus the clocks go back. Absolutely brutal unless you are like Dracula Ditty
  17. I saw this and wondered how they quantified it all. I mean who sampled? Do you have a link to how this was conducted
  18. What redeeming value is there in low clouds damp and chilly. Congrats on spending money on heat.
  19. If we treated Europe's population like states with similar population in UK Germany France Spin combined we would be having 160K cases a day. Covid is running crazy no matter the country or state of lockdown. UGH Back in protect mode for me. 2 back surgeries next month for me. Hopefully not in the middle of a Covid hospital crisis as hospitalized numbers are still very low here Pandemic doing what pandemics do.
  20. We enter that 40s and 50s ugly period now. Ugh
  21. Nice day to stroll the beach and watch the surfers . Swell from Epsilon is here. Can see the outflow to the SE
  22. Football snow alert @Denver Sunday
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