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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yet we magically have increased length of live 2 fold in 100 years. Humans will be fine and will adapt. Warmer world equals less starving people.
  2. Euro says Let's drift the shit out of this snow for a week straight. Heavy winds and low below zero dews and fresh snow with wind chills near 0 and teens for a week. Let's massive drift this bitch.
  3. Euro with the solid week of below 0 and teens windchill after the snowstorm on the 13th.
  4. Sure. We all know the truth. Just violence pure violence ha
  5. Was waiting for that. Been up since 3 bored at work listening to my client snore lol. I kind of like where we stand for a snowstorm
  6. Upside down girl.you turn me inside out. Boy pick a solution any solution this morning. From jacking Long Island to Congrats Dendrite, models are swinging more than the dancers from the pole at Tollands infamous Electric Blue. Lot o' time to sort this mess out. Tip yea take a joke man about your threads epically failing. Save the elitist posts man. As Jane Curtin once said "Tip you ignorant slut"... lol. LFG with the snow already
  7. There it is. The famous attack on the snow blower angry Scooter pic.
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