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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Who had near 3inches of rain in their forecasts? We destein our forecasts and go with the over. The times they are a changin
  2. 2.32 now so far, as this upcoming winter pattern establishes and evolves.
  3. 1.36 so far'winter pattern getting established
  4. Thanks hopefully get out of this Petri dish tomorrow.
  5. Hope you feel better. Had 6 hours of surgery yesterday, ended at 11pm. Was awake in the recovery room until 12 am and was passing the time remembering snowstorms, lol what a weenie. In my room this morning I heard the low temps and laughed, it fuking hurt, 6 at Fakerville?
  6. I believe that. I also believe the hospital does its own not in the gen pop pool labs. Back under tomorrow with a 5 day stay in the petri dish ahead. Been an extremely painful trip so far
  7. I certainly have learned a great deal since Feb. I thought at the time it was just another H1N1 situation but soon through discussions here it wasn't. I never agreed with the lock downs in areas with minimal transmission and think it played a role in Covid Burnout . The stupid politicians and their absurd non scientific rules also screwed the pooch. Stay safe, be smart and let's hope we are all around for the vaccines. Good news on immunity length came out today after exposure which would mean vaccines would provide decades of immunity
  8. She was both, sweet old lady infected by a random trip to NYC right before lockdown. Sad
  9. My grandaughter is a hot mess with this remote learning stuff. She is straight A sophomore but plays all sports. Had 4 volleyball games and now they canceled her joy basketball.
  10. Excellent news. 1 person I know has had it and she died in March in Hartford with multiple comorbities. This is an interesting study. Oh yea I think Bob needs beer. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2029717
  11. We could sneak something in the end of the month. Has happened before in the middle of a shit pattern
  12. Jaime is a nut. Loves his snow, the pride of his neighborhood though. His hill towers over his 2 story
  13. Every year they rush the seasons every single time.
  14. You mean the hundred times it’s been mentioned is avoidance?
  15. I swear with precision every single time you say boring we storm within week to 10 days. Lol
  16. You crazy. Good wind storm, many elevated and shoreline stations inland gusted 55knots and above. Valley girls not so much. 36k without power is a decent hit for a wind storm this late in the fall and the fact we have had multiple tree shedding events this year
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