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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. That dark band has to be ripping. Some mix started here
  2. Holy crap so according to Mr Drag take off 30% southern non elevation areas 15% Northern non elevations.
  3. Glad you are healthy. Good insight on the winds. Thanks for dropping in. Have to love dynamic cooling situations. Nothing cooler than looking up through raindrops and seeing millions of snowflakes descending down to isotherm the column. Going 3 to 5 here in Moosup at 515 ft. 6 to 10 Killingly Foster just up the road at 735 feet
  4. You got us kicked out of the bar when you nailed the bartender with a cap
  5. Your snow maps brought to you by Wiz, if ya want to be naked in a hot tub, call Wiz at 1-800-wee-nies
  6. I think you are fine here. Probably just north Killingly Foster line is similar to Kevs
  7. Look at that temp drop in that omega, cuts right through the dendritic zone. Massive flakes aggregates
  8. In Jan 94 I had pouring rain at 9 degrees. Was an amazing experience.
  9. HRRR has a great grasp on elevation changes, at least here in CT
  10. I had 2 cement storms take out power in 2 years. Tree started snapping at 6 inches
  11. Dec 5th 09 I had 65 and 55 the day before 5 inches of snow
  12. I remember 12 9 05 like it was yesterday. It was sleeting raining then all of a sudden I looked up and could see a huge cloud of snowflakes make their way to the surface. The transition was also accompanied by constant thunder and lightning. I hope we have a daytime transition cuz they are so cool. Great PDF on 12 9 05 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/126185.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjwzuKG8rTtAhX3GFkFHZ7nC8MQFjABegQIEhAB&usg=AOvVaw2jflWRlCag-mjmdXTJUKNd
  13. I think we have consensus on development timing. CCB cranks up big time . Plaster job for interior SNE with elevations over 6 inches and 2 to 5 elsewhere.
  14. Yea figure Hunchie on North goes from 8 to 1 to 10 plus to 1 so I like these numbers for them take off 10%. Farther south take off 25%
  15. Nice starter. Wondering about the west side. Tricky stuff
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