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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Name calling, personal attacks and he is not even a New England forum member. I can't imagine living life like that.
  2. Lol cringe worthy. We golfed year round in SRI since I was 10 in 1967. I skied in late April my last year in 18. Warming is real but there is a mega difference between weather and climate. At some point you will understand the difference
  3. When babies melt they melt with the best. What is a matter did your video game break?
  4. It's crazy right now with water. Seems the ground was frozen everything ran off.
  5. 2.71 the amount of water pouring out of my hill is insane. I am sure my local Moosup River is near bankful
  6. Experience says LR overdose the block
  7. Yea dude my experience here. Strongest winds about an hour prior to frontal passage. During rain had little gusts but as soon as it let up .probably had a 50 plus but relieved for sure.
  8. I wouldn't panic lol. Pretty sure something pops post New Year. I like the melts though
  9. Merry Christmas my friend. So happy we power, on to January
  10. Merry Christmas bro. Thank you, so blessed and lucky. Now let's work on our Feb 13 redeaux in Jan
  11. She gone. Heaviest gusts were around 4 30 AM up to 62 at BDL mid 50s around here at 5 AM front is passing now. Just rain and mud rest of the day
  12. Of course lol. They will crash hard about noon. Ah the joys of Christmas. Dad grumpy until his coffee is done then sitting there just beaming with pride knowing he has done everything he can to provide a safe loving home for the kids. Merry Christmas Dad
  13. Now thats what its all about. Miss that. Don't blink....
  14. Striking out then sleeping with Margot Robbie only to wake up and she gone. Was it a dream?
  15. Literally have nothing here even piles are in the river
  16. Man that sucks then the rapid freeze to boiler plate injury city. Feel bad for your patrons. Lots of drinking and edibles will be consumed. Merry Christmas Scott!
  17. Merry Christmas Brian and Lisa!!! Undercatch for sure 1.33 wxstation 1.62 Stratus
  18. Poof went every single piece of snow and piles. 59 degrees 1.44 rain so far
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