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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. You need to look at what temps +2 is in Canada in Jan
  2. Love this, Weymouth Cocorahs 2.12 rain 1.1 tears?
  3. He melted in classic Scooter style, took it out on non met forum members, its how he rolls.
  4. Lol? I stalk the beauty of my hometown F that biatch
  5. Nope was absolutely stunned at what I did
  6. Very true story. Providence Civic Center. Fleetwood Mac. I walked backstage, walked into their dressing room, sat down next to Stevie Nick's like I belonged there. Casually eventually got up and left. No one said a word about me being there. They were warming up their voices. Good lord she was even hotter in person.Coolest thing I ever did.
  7. Yea nice recovery for them. Its where we start our recovery. Have faith by mid month we rock
  8. Up north by PF and Phin, nice 3 to 6 Mon Tues, snow to some ice to snow NYD. My call
  9. 2018 was my last ski days unfortunately. 4 back surgeries since but I live through you guys. My opinion is you guys up there rock with winter this upcoming week.
  10. Impossible says the soothsayer of Weymouth
  11. BS Come down off your throne and leave the weenies alone Somebody has the key....
  12. Not them but I have been telling them in the NNE thread to watch Mon Tues
  13. EPS torch but before Nyd watch that Mon Tuesday system in your hood, surprise 3 to 6?
  14. Ok nice to see GEFS start going where I think this is headed week 2. Retro block with responding cold air flow into the NE and a responding ridge in the west. First hint. Hope it lasts
  15. SST 2011 and 2020. Can see the Pac west coast problem but damn the SH is cold
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