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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Never fails immediately after a big snow storm the junkies are on the street corner begging for a buy and jonesin if the man doesn't drop by immediately
  2. That place smells so bad from the pig farm. You can smell it from 295
  3. Like how to cook a great steak on the grill, its seared. Will has a photographic mind, for real, but yeah
  4. Megastorm I think HFD 24 I had 22 BOS 14 or 15 even PF got smoked
  5. Love me some coastal front. Getting blizzard conditions with a ESE wind was new to me as the front sat just a mile to my NW late that night. Don't think I have seen trees pasted on the ESE side before up here
  6. Yes didn't understand the hugger cutter rain forecasts yesterday. Either its a UKMET or its OTS. I am more bullish on the 10th through 15th
  7. Had a quarter inch overnight refreshing the awesome look.
  8. Try nailing a forecast that had 22 inches in Newburyport on the ocean but nada in Gloucester 10 miles south or 12 inches in Westerly RI but 2 on the coast in Charleston RI 7 miles away.
  9. Living on a marina folks don't mind sharing. Guess its that Mid Atlantic attitude you brought North with you but I understand. Hopefully you get the -40 degree experience with wind chills in the -50s and also hopefully you are buried well into May. Just don't cry to your Momma, we don't do that up here.
  10. Wasn't far off with my 25 million guess over 12 inches
  11. Get a beach home in SWRI put MD behind you. Less commute and you can have surfer kids as well
  12. Fantastic look from the Berkshires to the Monads. Stop being a hog, unbecoming lol
  13. Let's see later. Huge population outside them cities had over a foot. Probably 25 million
  14. Days and days refers to snow in the air not when the big numbers occur. We have had several events with 4 to 5 every day for a couple of days though.
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