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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yep tanning the nape , happy the ice jam is gone before the 15 to 20 Ray has for me by next week.
  2. The electric grid situation in Texas is unbelievable. Millions without power for 24 hours in below zero weather, many without water.
  3. Probably best to talk about the 22nd dumper in the feb thread
  4. Let's hope its correct. That would be special. Now that my ice jam problem has broken up with the help of rock salt inside nylons placed on the roof, I am ready for a slamming end to Feb. Lol I was embarrassed at the dollar store buying 15 cheap nylons. Saved a pair for Kevin though
  5. My son in Omaha is crying for his Momma
  6. They cash in Thursday and then again the 23rd. It's amazing how long a season Maine can have. March is an epic month for them. This year so far they in his area at least have been shorted for sure.
  7. Dude is as shook as I ever seen him.
  8. Even Danielson 5 miles to my NW is 37 while I am 47
  9. Glad I had the meat and potatoes storm. Rain was absorbed.
  10. Only .47 rain so far. Little freezing drizzle last night 45⁰
  11. Which ensembles? Lots of great looking members in the EPS
  12. 6z Euro has 4 to 8. 10 to 1 but...
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