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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Thats Friday post Wed and Thursday Euro op temps
  2. 16 is beating the Euro at day 10 1000mb temp lol
  3. There is always a difference down by the railroad the 2/26 intersection is torchville. Up the hill is a weenie spot. West Bethel up at 1200 is definitely a weenie ridge.
  4. "The usual suspects in this forum will be excited and should not be... If you outfitted them with an automatic genital poker that stabs a testicle whenever they get excited about a D10+12 Euro, " Tip the S&M guy, ya never really know someone
  5. I was in Newry for both Feb 01 and March 01. Just incredible
  6. Totally insane thump, by the way past snow events is working again on BOX
  7. March 4th 2019. Incredible 3 hours of intense snow. 11 inches in 3 hrs.
  8. Bethel coop reported 17 OTG today. I believe its up on the hill behind the academy.
  9. I mean nothing changes so yea expect the same
  10. Levi The GFS will be upgraded to version 16 on March 17. The new version is running in testing until then.
  11. So epic. Man I would pay to see a repeat of this some day
  12. Getting an appointment is frustrating here in CT. Ugh
  13. You can wash your truck at least 4 times next week
  14. Cold weekend, next week looks spectacular, but then beware the ides of March. Definitely getting more interesting mid March on.
  15. Totally understand what you mean. I would give anything to be able to be " bored" again. BW was always on the list of must visits during the year. Really is fun and the views, wow.
  16. Impossible to get an appointment here
  17. Looks like NFoster recorded 4 on the 19th.
  18. Ok just looked it up ORH recorded 16 over 2 days
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