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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Epic wind storm with damage, a 6.8 cement damaging snow storm, and a beautiful 20 inches with epic banding. We just missed another bomb late in the month as well.
  2. It was a good thing we had a lot of snow on my roof. There were literally 10 to 15 branches of various sizes up there. It was why I removed all the 7 trees around the house. They finished as the April 18 storm started.
  3. Sounds like your twin, he probably likes high dews too. There is a resemblance
  4. My sister, my nieces, nephews, grand nieces, grand nephews.
  5. Damn thats some serious snow on the Colorado front range.
  6. Pickles is the Tip of stock discussion. Epic novels
  7. Why post that here? We aren't south of New England. After the February you had as well lol. You are best at clicking the weenie icon
  8. Was just reading the 3/13/18 thread. Those were the days. Just seems something is in the cards this month. Seems volatile after this dry period. Perhaps not but some signs at least. Not Morch after a well needed above normal week.
  9. Forzen Doggie poop? Is that an ice cream flavor for you?
  10. I saw day 10 scores were pretty good
  11. Um new GFS has a worse cold bias. 540 isn't the only level either. Snow at high 5H levels can happen in late spring as well see last April 18th
  12. Looks locked up until late afternoon. Thursday will be the day. In my opinion
  13. March 7th 2018 mega storm. Big paster here , western areas smoked.Lost a bunch of limbs
  14. 40 to 50 degree anomaly shift in 60 hrs is pretty impressive
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