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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. You could always go with the 18z GFS and lock that up
  2. Yea I never understood why people can't understand the difference between sharing maps and actual forecasts.
  3. One thing I remember really well as a kid was ice skating on the snow after a huge thaw. Your kids should get the chance
  4. 2 inches above normal here. Cape Cod missed our 10 inch Dec. Couple dry weeks meh. Gypsies are in the past you will have to wait another 10 years.
  5. You answer a question with a question?
  6. What about the reinforcing Arctic front Sunday night what will winds be with that?
  7. 69⁰ gorgeous. Multiple snow threats coming up. March on
  8. Deep spring. Your winter reporting station charts. Windy cloudy cool.
  9. First thought I had was geez wouldn't it be cool if Dendy had another 3 footer
  10. Spring is shot after tomorrow for the next couple weeks, still waiting for the sun here
  11. Some body aches this morning , tired but fine
  12. First yesterday Moderna second April 7th
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