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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. No thats the one Pickles went to Cannon for
  2. Para looked like GFS does now at 12 Z and now looks like NAM Euro, at 18z
  3. It snowed and stuck here last April 18th .
  4. We have a thread now for this. If its over 6 I am snow blowing
  5. Mike Pivotalweather.com has better graphics and cleaner soundings
  6. Walgreens for me. Walk in get shot wait 15 minutes walk out
  7. Gresh went to my HS. Good offensive tackle. He sucks on the radio
  8. Carton is the best. Listen to Boomer and Gio as well. Funny stuff
  9. Let everyone know how you feel. Mine is April 6th
  10. Greedy here I want both from Dec 1st to March 21st. As long as it doesn't melt or sublimate
  11. We have this deep cold interjecting with some nice vertical velocities which should yield increasingly higher ratios. Damn nice flash freeze. Stay home Friday morning
  12. Lock it up. Different than Rays Narcan
  13. 25 foot wells go dry often. Talk to me when deep wells and reservoirs dry up
  14. Especially with Hartford reservoir at 98% capacity meaning there is enough water if it doesn't rain for the next 2 years
  15. I was wrong Modena is 80 % after 1 shot
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