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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. You give too much credit to a wishy washy Govt organization. Just look at their thinking on Lyme Disease over the years. There was a time when Drs diagnosing Lyme disease were unlicensed based on CDC recommendations. They always have been a shit organization to me Sorry but your faith in the bureaucracy is a helluva lot stronger than mine will ever be. Shit a bunch of us non scientists of viral infection were screaming last spring that the outside rules were ludicrous and anti scientific.
  2. There is a country fest scheduled at the Tamarack Lodge outside in Voluntown Ct. In June I think. Most around here are already done with it as most are vaccinated and ready to rock.
  3. I have never worn one outside and at least here it was extremely rare to see anyone outside with one on. But lemmings gonna lemm
  4. Gorgeous here first mowing done.
  5. You quote NWS every day or Ryan or Stein, Fisher.
  6. It was snowing in NWCT this morning , best spring evah?
  7. Be nice if people really knew the correct definition of socialism. Also in Marxist theory it is also the step between capitalism and communism Socialism is an economic and political system. It is an economic theory of social organization. It states that the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the workers. This means the money made belongs to the workers who make the products, instead of groups of private owners.
  8. Meh politics has been split across the country for generations.
  9. Cloudy and 72 is midsummer on the mount
  10. 15th warmest 26th driest so no, that and your 7 inches of snowfall in mid April lol. Today overall sucked wxwise.
  11. Well AWT last year, Govt to announce no need for masks outside and outside recreation is fine. The theater of taking hoops off basketball courts and having cops at playgrounds is finally over. There was so much over reaching Govt for an indoor spread virus it is scary. Masks indoors in crowded spaces fine. Hope a very expensive lesson was learned. We tried to tell um.
  12. No one said that, spin on this. Forest fires 70s 80s all next week
  13. You realize of course that r+ is rare. If you had .15 per hour in winter it would be 1.5 per hour with snow plus. At any rate nice beneficial rain. 07:56 NE 7 3.00 Rain Fog/Mist FEW010 SCT019 OVC070 48 46 50 47 93% 45 NA 29.76 1007.7 0.15 0.29 25 06:56 E 7 4.00 Rain Fog/Mist OVC070 48 46 93% 45
  14. No one said that. Bright banding? .27 now with .19 rain rate
  15. Hungover? Pouring rain is now Stein? So silly
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