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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Speaking of leaves. So many dead leaves falling everywhere. I mowed a tin yesterday and leaf blew a bunch off the driveway. Wonder why.
  2. Nice gravy start. Simmer all day. Hope there's lots of garlic, oregano, parsley and basil. Just a old Italian Nonnie trick put a pinch of sugar in to take away and bitter any you won't get heartburn either
  3. Just a matter of time. Never heard that when the old normals were used. The cold period from 1960 to 1981 was just normal right
  4. Mike knows his stuff?? Lol posted that IDA would cause hundreds of dollars of damage to trailer trash in SE Louisiana, 50 billion dollars later. Don't be fooled...
  5. Mike isn't good people, celebrated James death, cops deaths. Sorry Brian you might think so but not in my book. Trolling is one thing being an asshole is another
  6. Lol go home little man your sub forum is calling you. You didn't post in here once in July. Dendrite knows...
  7. Still summer, almost fall time. Since when is 75 in summer a torch. Reaching. Beautiful summer day. Gorgeous week ahead.
  8. Every single person in New England is glad they don't live there for a hundred different reasons
  9. Charts posted for next door to Kevin dumb dumb 75/61 on his hill.
  10. Our climo day for summer to close out. Was nice today knowing my last weed whacking of the year in the gardens and fence line is done. Probably a couple of lawn mows to go but weed b gone
  11. They forecasted Odette, the noreaster named TS, to be near NF, actually moving SE
  12. Mowed this morning, little damp. Two huge pileated woodpeckers on the dead oak tree didn't even budge. Tearing up some serious bark. Nice breeze offset so not bad. Thought today was going to be nice and sunny?
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