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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Buttons and penale ( hen of the woods) everywhere . Made a sauce( gravy) with garden Joblano peppers and penale. Excellent
  2. Here's a thought, if we only buy American products as much as possible the container logjam would ease but then Amazon would suffer with their billions of cheap foreign goods. WTF cares about Bezos though.
  3. Oh dude that really sucks. Sorry man. Yea hand feeding is so risky. Damnit
  4. Yep get the feeling nobody gives a shit anymore. All Govt is a major nightmare to deal with.
  5. Lol open your window and put in a fan geezuz what has become of people
  6. Lol wut? Ever hear of a window fan with temps from 9 pm to 10 am under 65? What a waste of energy
  7. Notice each one of those sectors are hiring but having trouble finding people. Where did the people go? Certainly is an enigma.
  8. We consumed less, traveled less, had less expensive toys. Different era
  9. Read the last line on each paragraph about the difference from Feb 2020.
  10. If you go down that CPI pdf and look at individual items that you need to survive and commodities like paper goods and laundry supplies your costs increased much more than the 5% adjusted inflation. Big ticket q, forgetaboutit
  11. https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/lswbfrtl.pdf https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cpi.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiOps_hpcrzAhUqmeAKHeHzCJ8QFnoECE8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jf3VaDAjhUy1yozqw_BMD
  12. Another Govt **** up placing 33 hours as when employers need to offer health care. Employers play that game everywhere. Obviously small businesses can't afford it but there needs to be a universal solution for working people based on income. The affordable care act isn't affordable if you make over 35k a year. It's a joke
  13. Those numbers are spot on by the way. Don't even know who that guy is but you carry on with your delusions.
  14. Where was 2020 a lot less? Food? Goods?
  15. But then reality sets in. I encouraged my kids to get a trade job if college wasn't their thing. I also showed them what hard work was. Not everyone is the same and not everyone can code. Having many skills including how to budget, fix a leak, take care of others and life skills carry you a long way. Reality is a bitch
  16. Agree totally. Politicians are the worst. Lobbying kills. But still better than Forkys dictator taking care of his cronies while the rest suffer. Reality is a bitch.
  17. The annual inflation rate in the US edged up to a 13-year high of 5.4% in September of 2021 from 5.3% in August and above market expectations of 5.3%. Main upward pressure came from cost of shelter (3.2% vs 2.8% in August); food (4.6% vs 3.7%, the highest since December of 2011), namely food at home (4.5% vs 3%); new vehicles (8.7% vs 7.6%); and energy (24.8% vs 25%)
  18. So it's not capitalism that is failing as Forks says it's socialism? You obviously don't understand how capitalistic societies also can help the underprivileged members by enabling them to move upward through job training, financial assistance while times are tough. Welfare was not created to be a lifelong job it was created to assist until people could get back on their feet. What we need is more opportunities for the downtrodden. But we also need motivation to work not just handing out money, there has to be a string attached.
  19. Apparently hard working jobs are below the upcoming work force. All the coding jobs are full
  20. Really because if you left your protected lair and actually went out in society you would find those numbers very close to reality.
  21. Capitalism is still king. Politicians and lack of leadership during the pandemic have created a lot of these problems. Thinking Govt can spend its way out of crisis and all will be OK is crazy. History will show that political decisions excaberated everything
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