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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Eweather is a great guy. His app is sweet. Too bad Mets get so jealous.
  2. Ryan lives in the valley and never gets wind. I don't think the numbers he posted where that far off.
  3. I don't see anything wildly off. GON was 62 and ECT was 50s. USCGA 70
  4. Half a mega dead oak split and took out the next door neighbors service line and is lying across the road. A car just hit it and is on the side of the road. It's at the crest of the hill so they never saw it. Nice boom when it came down.
  5. We name every subtropical fart but not this one. ACK graphs confirms warm core. IDK I give up
  6. Mid 50s here AWT. Pretty much exactly what I expected. Gloucester to the Cape FTW. BiD just gusted to 80 on the cliff at the Lighthouse.
  7. Cane. Messenger would have loved this. He always told me about how high the winds got on his dune cliff.
  8. always liked the terminal Boston radar it picks up gravity waves well
  9. I may be wrong but based on Sat and Radar this is further North than progged.
  10. Huge rollers at Narragansett. Saw some splashover at the seawall
  11. Absolutely agree. I can picture Scooters Davis in pieces from his oak branches flying around
  12. You are such a drama queen lol. Mid 50s? Wind just picked up. Maybe a 60 here or there. I bet it's windier tomorrow for you when we mix out.
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