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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Mets and People concentrate on big snowstorms but it's these minor icing events that are the disasters up here
  2. My day 15 threat is now day 12. We track.
  3. Black ice alert here. 25⁰ tons of accidents SWCT and now I 84 I 91
  4. All ENS have a dip in the EPO RISE PNA Dip NAO around the 14th to 17th period. Dry?
  5. Did Kevin say VA snow melts today? 100s stuck on 1 95 this morning. That snow isn't going anywhere today.
  6. Give it up dude. Put down the Bong. If you can't remember a 10 inch sand storm from a 35 inch blizzard maybe you have CTE. @CT Rain Ryan knows the exact totals everywhere in the state. He loved that Boxing Day storm. Lol
  7. Love it. Wanted to do something to give back and help people rather than for a corporation . Only 17 bucks an hour but that's plenty. I turned down a job as a Safety Director at a Bio Chem Plant for 75 K plus. No more stress jobs for me. My employer and bosses are the coolest people ever. Just love it. Hope this the start of an epic run of winter.
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