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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Don't think anyone wanted it weaker but geez modeling changed from day 5/6 for that storm imagine that
  2. Get inside 90 hrs. How can people forget the dozens and dozens of model failures this year outside 4 days Ops and Ensemble
  3. Modeling often swings like a windshield wiper far left then far right and usually ends up within 20⁰ of the middle
  4. The EPS mean over the Cape with associated qpf pattern doesn't scream west to me. But trend west is real over 2 cycles
  5. Funny the first 200 times. Whatever happens happens but you also had us rain last Friday so there is that
  6. It's only been 36 hours that modeling has even had this storm. Started Carolinas out to sea and then 0Z yesterday GFS had it coming up the coast. Cmon
  7. Over the outer Cape track into GOM. Classic track for some big numbers. 6Z EPS precip track concurs
  8. Anthony is my favorite poster. He knows he is a weenie, absolutely loves snow, takes more shit from shit libs and others than any other person on here but never gets rattled. Good family man and working a job in a city that absolutely blows and is dangerous even sitting in a cop car reading model data in your phone. Seriously
  9. My initial guess is like the EPS Mean. Coastal hugger that stays south of BID goes over Cape Elbow into GOM. Just think Jan climo is the way to go 5 days out. I was waiting until Saturday to make a thread but alas the great orator thought different. Enjoy the soliloquy it's the only soliloquy you got.
  10. 16⁰ at my house 2⁰ here at work in Columbia Ct
  11. Scroll to model lab open that it's all in the first batch personal forecaster
  12. God bless you Don and your family. Tough day I am sure.
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