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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Don't concentrate on the big L though. As Scott says look at the conveyor belts and temps. Forcing is way ahead of the big L. That's the meat and potatoes for us. 6 to 9 hrs and she gone
  2. Meh I know my SWFE climo and you know you get overwhelmed with warm air. In the interior it wont
  3. Lol yep every storm. You should have been here in 2015. Sickening lol
  4. Nah all the forcing is north of the actual LP. Once the omega is gone you are left with low level crap
  5. You will whine your self to over a foot. You have adopted the AEMATT way very quickly
  6. That's what I think but it won't matter to you or I. Thumpidity Thump to rain back to light snow. First call out Saturday. Some more kinks towards LI so maybe not done moving we track
  7. No matter the outcome pretty happy I was able to identify Mon Tuesday as a major 16 days ago. Sometimes you just see the face. Next up the 22nd
  8. Said this several times nothing but a c tease.
  9. Sonic the hedge hog? What in God's name is that
  10. 1/3rd seeing as the GEFS are usually non dispersive from the OP not bad
  11. "Which can still be a decent event, but not what it could have been for SNE."
  12. Unless of course we end up with a UKMET solution or like many members of the GEFS EPS. Your statement is pretty concrete 5 days out. Absolutely could be right but throwing in the towel day 5 on 75 mile shifts?. IDK
  13. That TPV just sucks up that 5H north. Weather is so interesting and complex. Slow that TPV down a hair and.....
  14. Could be 940 and East. What us driving this bus is the farther west movement of the PV in Canada on modeling leading to less confluence over us.
  15. You saw the 6Z mean and the EPS precip maps I posted does that look way west up the Hudson Valley to you? Today at day 5 I am sticking with Jan climo , over the Cape
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