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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Jan 11th 2011 thread you said the exact same thing. Lol we know who won that one
  2. Huh? So reporting model out put is gone wild. Cool next time Ray posts Narcan will note. Go eat another edible
  3. Just a thought when we get closer in FV3 nailed qpf amounts last Friday
  4. GEFS LI to cutting the Cape. Thumpidity pronounced Humpidty for interior peeps.
  5. We say that a lot. A few do cut across CT. Feb 2011 being one. 2 feet of snow on the ground and severe tStorms pummeled me. Coolest night ever though. Snow soaked it up.
  6. The Jan 05th for Jan 11 2011 thread is a total hoot. The more things change the more they stay the same. Funny comment from Ryan, chastised Mike Wankum for putting out totals 60 hrs before. Now that has certainly changed from the top down.
  7. Funny I find no better place to discuss. Perhaps you and Rotary Phone Chris can start your own forum
  8. GFS has been lead dog. Can we mimic Jan 11 I need to see that thread
  9. Jan 7th came in to the Sierras pummeled the SE ran up the Coast to pummel us. Miller A all the way. There have been others as well.
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