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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. It doesn't mean much for me but HRRR and NAM have definitely cooled substantially since last night's 0Z
  2. Lol I went to school 60s 70s in SWRI we had a pretty good run of cold and snow. Some great winters some not so great but the 60s were a nice decade to grow up in. My oldest grandson born in 2000 had quite the snowy childhood.
  3. Nice pit. Like fire pits on ice the snow ice doesn't melt underneath much. Kevin will have a glacier
  4. Interesting dichotomy in here today. Historically if the Euro went colder it was the big signal now its the NAM? My my
  5. Somebody the other day said there was no drifts in 78, ha
  6. Rooting for a Euro solution for the cities and towns that depend upon snow for their economy. Hopefully a jump start
  7. I just said it was too early for me to pass judgment. You guys are sure so be it but having to read another whiny post from Ray makes my skin crawl.
  8. Just can't understand how I polished a turd by reporting model output. Enjoy the flood its the only flood you got
  9. Tip discussing alternatives is frowned upon as I found out. You can't discuss anything that doesn't fit the narrative but great post.
  10. Meh can recall dozens and dozens of years where snow was slow to start. Suck it up buttercup
  11. Maybe after 40 posts saying the same thing you sound like a whiny little bitch? Lol
  12. What the heck are you even talking about. Ray's had at least 40 posts whining about something. Polish this. I have not made a single forecast only posted model output kiss my rear dear
  13. Not the time or place for grading winter ya think. There's a panic room
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