The nose of a strong mid level jet will lead to strong forcing for ascent with a period of heavy snow likely for Berkshires and northern Worcester Hills. Easterly low level jet will provide upslope which will enhance snowfall rates along the eastern slopes of the Berkshires and possibly the Worcester Hills. In fact, HREF indicating up to 2"/hr snowfall rates here overnight, especially in the Berkshires. Much of the 00z guidance trended a bit higher with snow accums. Incorporated hi-res guidance QPF to derive snow accum which yields 6-12 inches accum for the Berkshires and 4-8 inches for the northern Worcester Hills. Fortunately, bulk of the snow over the high terrain will be on the dry side as temps will be cold to start. For the rest of SNE, expecting snow accum of 1-4 inches in the interior low elevations before changing to rain, with up to an inch for I-95 and 128 corridor before it gets washed away by heavy rain.