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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. I had 24 NFOSTER 18 in the blizzard we band.
  2. @ORH_wxman From my records and Official 21 inches more at NFoster over 21 years NFoster Me 2021 61 51 2020 31 25 2019 47 40 2018 90 82 2017 61 60 2016 51. 42 2015 110 110 2014 70 68 2013 74 68 2012 28 26 2011 84 87 2010 66 72 2009 62 71 2008 51 53 2007 29 27 2006 57 58 2005 100 97 2004 41 43 2003 88 93 2002 34 31 2001 81 84
  3. I said multiple times my 22 year average matches North Fosters New 30 year normal. Have no idea where you got 180 seeing as N Foster Jan is not out, mine 47 25 52. Last year Nfoster reported a 25 when I had 17, stationary band to my east. It happens like the reverse in March 2018 when they basically had none and I had 14 . 2019-05-01 47.8 0 2020-05-01 31.3 0 2021-05-01 61.5
  4. It's all good. Let's let the Icon find a nut
  5. Have no idea where Will got 180 inches
  6. I accept your Reading data but that still puts me at 64% the same as you. You are not on an island the last 3 full seasons.
  7. What are you using for average? I think you made a big mistake. 40 25 51 are 106 this year added would be 153. Where did you get 180?
  8. What are you talking about I used 30 year normals from the North Foster Coop which are in line with mine. What do you want me to do Ray? I give you empirical data and you find any excuse to toss it because it doesn't fit your oh me oh my narrative. 64% of normal 18/19 20/21 21/22 sorry if you don't want to accept facts.
  9. I already did and posted it. You ignored it. 64% of normal last full 3 years.. unknown this year
  10. He is 18 miles from Reading. Haverhill is closer. It's possible that he is in a dead zone in between banding setups. There are local minima. I am going on the new 30 year normals, isn't that what we are using. Why would he use Reading and not Lawrence or Haverhill
  11. I see 2 chances at major impact full storms in the next two weeks. All you can ask for.
  12. Hey apparently there actually is an observer in Greenfield since 2000 but lots of missing data in key years
  13. She gone by Thursday, maybe the sun will dry out the mud grass that is left by Thursday. Still 2/3 inches left. Probably refreezes overnight.
  14. Where do you get your average from? New 30 year normal at North Foster which lines up well within my 22 years of records here
  15. Ave 62 18/19 40 19/20 25 20/21 50 21/22 48* thru Feb 7th
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