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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. The only snow in Westerly in 2002 was Jan 21st 6 inches
  2. Not yet. The longer we thump the better to overcome marginal boundaries. Getting inside of 4 days now. A good thump to sleet would be nice. Jackpot gonna be Berks to Boston North to Monads I believe.
  3. Talking about death and last snows and you thought it was time for a joke? Lol j/k
  4. Fluffer nutter snow. Yea it melts but this isn't April either. Let's crush the next three weeks. Stat padder or not
  5. Kevs typical negative Nellie about snow melting that he hasn't gotten yet. Lol. Shit with a sleet layer and temps and dews below freezing for days and days?
  6. You said yourself your Dad loved winter. Use it as a sign. Time helps my man. Both my parents are gone now. There is no way they would want me to wallow in grief. I treat each snow as my very last as it certainly could be. Enjoy each day keep your faith man. Best wishes. By the way LETS DO THIS
  7. Either of you look at the next 5 days after Friday lol
  8. UKIE is sweet you Boston guys really will like that. Qpf over 1.5 everywhere. Great storm.
  9. This is a great sign for continuous winter
  10. Nam has first look and already has transfer Miller B way south in progress. I am in Tips camp. Runs into a wall with high PWAT.
  11. What do you think about the Euro for you? Soundings
  12. See Tips QPF posts. Expect more qpf than standard. Congrats on 15
  13. You are not understanding more snow soundings in heavier precip. I looked hard, you glanced as you already have your mind made up just like the last 2
  14. said a week ago this is catch up time for the less fortunate
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